3 Ways to Stay Safe While Driving on Icy Roads

When the winter months start to approach Flowood, MS and other parts of the state, one of the biggest reasons for auto accidents is icy roads. When you are traveling on the icy roads this winter, make sure to keep these few tips in mind so that you are safe and accident-free. 

1. Give Yourself at Least 10 Seconds To Stop

Even with the best set of tires, trying to stop on a whim with slick roads from the ice is not safe. When you are traveling and the roads are icy. Make sure there is at least 10 seconds between you and the vehicle in front of you. Should they have to slam on brakes, you need to have enough time to stop safely. 

2. Drive Slower

Just because the road has a posted speed of 55 does not mean that is ideal for icy conditions. If you are traveling on an icy road, it is a good idea to keep your speed at least 10 miles slower than what is posted. Traveling on roads that are curvy and have black ice around the corner can make a fast traveling vehicle slide much quicker. 

3. Brake Only When You Need To

Ice and brakes do not work well together, and antilock brakes do not work in the ice. If you are traveling at slow speeds and keeping your distance between yourself and others on the highway, you will not need to use your brakes as much. If you need to slow down or find yourself sliding, stay calm and just take your foot off of the gas to avoid overcorrecting. 

Be Careful Traveling This Winter

Make sure to use these three tips when traveling on icy roads and make sure to pack your auto insurance policy from Insurance Protection Specialists today.